Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Cannon Fires at Abortion

The only reason that I know who Nick Cannon is, is this: I read an article about him today in the Globe. Here it is, for you non-Bostonians in attendance.

Sample lyrics? Sure, y'all.

I'll always be a part of you, trust your soul, know it's always true, if I could talk I'd say to you, 'Can I live, can I live.'

Wow. Anthropomorphizing fetuses is way beyond most teenage "rappers" (I use the term loosely, I've never heard him, but I doubt he's anything next to Biggie or Tupac) ranges ... that's pretty impressive, I suppose. Like the article says, "it oversimplifies a very divisive and difficult issue. Cannon may claim he's just telling his story, but with lines such as ''Mommy, I don't like this clinic" and ''What you want, morning sickness or the sickness of mourning," it's less a thoughtful consideration of his mother's choice than one big guilt trip. Opting to be preachy and pedantic, he ignores that the ramifications of choosing not to have an abortion can be just as profound and complex as the choice to have one."

Therein lies the thing that a lot of pro-lifers forget. Choosing to have an abortion isn't something that people take lightly. It can be an agonizing decision no matter what is decided. I don't think people who are ready and able to support a child are usually the ones who are going to consider abortion. So if you're in the position, whether you decide to keep or abort the fetus, the road afterwards isn't going to be easy. This video makes the former seem like an easy choice.

I don't know; just another thing to get frustrated about. This guy's but a very minor celebrity, but apparently he knows how to get people talking.