More Stalling for Plan B
An op-ed in the NYTimes recently talks about the FDA's further stalling on allowing the Morning After pill to be sold over the counter.
Last week the F.D.A. finally acknowledged that science supports granting over-the-counter access to the pill, known as Plan B, to women 17 and older. But the agency said it needed more time to ponder novel regulatory issues as well as the practical question of how to keep the pill out of the hands of younger girls.
Um, huh? You sell freaking Sudafed over the counter. Sudafed. Which gets made into fucking METH. But oh no, can't have a contraceptive that works retroactively, no, that'd be bad. This is so stupid it boggles my mind. Look, I know I get emotional about issues and can't see the other side, but ... I can't see the other side. If I was a parent and my kid was having sex and the condom broke or they weren't being safe, and she was too embarrassed to come to me, which happens (although I'd hope we'd be on a good enough level that she wouldn't be embarrassed -- but what kid isn't embarrassed to talk about sexual issues with a parent?) ... well, I'd hope she would have the option of buying this pill afterwards.
My parents (well, my mom) were very frank and open with me about sex, and you know what? If anything, that delayed any sexual activity. Friends whose parents were bigger prudes about talking sex with their kids (or never talked about it at all) ... they seem to have engaged in sexual activity earlier, for the most part. I think the biggest part of this is people wanting the government to fucking baby their kids. Listen, if you're a moron and don't tell your kids about sex -- contraception and for God's sake, consequences -- don't make the government intervene on your behalf by slapping their wrist and saying "No, no!" when they at least attempt to be responsible and buy Plan B.
If you've ever taken the Morning After Pill, and I haven't, but several of my friends have, you'd know this: It's Not Pleasant. Trust me, it is not going to become anyone's normal birth control. There is cramping and bleeding and nausea and general malaise. It's not fun and it's not pretty. Take it once and you'll remember to use a condom next time, so I'm told.
This all comes back to the idiotic sex-ed practices in this country. If we'd just teach our kids about condoms, we wouldn't have to worry about young teenagers getting their hands on Plan B anyway. But no, we pretend that it's all about the abstinence and nothing else. Abstinence is great! I recommend it for all teenagers! It sure as fuck worked for me! But seriously folks, the reality is that your teenage kids have sex. They have been doing it for ages and it's not going to stop. Please teach your kids about contraception. Teach them how to use condoms. Fucking buy them a box of them. It's not going to promote sex, it's going to make it safe if and when they choose to do it.
And, end rant. I can't say anything else at this time. Holy Frustration, Batman!
Last week the F.D.A. finally acknowledged that science supports granting over-the-counter access to the pill, known as Plan B, to women 17 and older. But the agency said it needed more time to ponder novel regulatory issues as well as the practical question of how to keep the pill out of the hands of younger girls.
Um, huh? You sell freaking Sudafed over the counter. Sudafed. Which gets made into fucking METH. But oh no, can't have a contraceptive that works retroactively, no, that'd be bad. This is so stupid it boggles my mind. Look, I know I get emotional about issues and can't see the other side, but ... I can't see the other side. If I was a parent and my kid was having sex and the condom broke or they weren't being safe, and she was too embarrassed to come to me, which happens (although I'd hope we'd be on a good enough level that she wouldn't be embarrassed -- but what kid isn't embarrassed to talk about sexual issues with a parent?) ... well, I'd hope she would have the option of buying this pill afterwards.
My parents (well, my mom) were very frank and open with me about sex, and you know what? If anything, that delayed any sexual activity. Friends whose parents were bigger prudes about talking sex with their kids (or never talked about it at all) ... they seem to have engaged in sexual activity earlier, for the most part. I think the biggest part of this is people wanting the government to fucking baby their kids. Listen, if you're a moron and don't tell your kids about sex -- contraception and for God's sake, consequences -- don't make the government intervene on your behalf by slapping their wrist and saying "No, no!" when they at least attempt to be responsible and buy Plan B.
If you've ever taken the Morning After Pill, and I haven't, but several of my friends have, you'd know this: It's Not Pleasant. Trust me, it is not going to become anyone's normal birth control. There is cramping and bleeding and nausea and general malaise. It's not fun and it's not pretty. Take it once and you'll remember to use a condom next time, so I'm told.
This all comes back to the idiotic sex-ed practices in this country. If we'd just teach our kids about condoms, we wouldn't have to worry about young teenagers getting their hands on Plan B anyway. But no, we pretend that it's all about the abstinence and nothing else. Abstinence is great! I recommend it for all teenagers! It sure as fuck worked for me! But seriously folks, the reality is that your teenage kids have sex. They have been doing it for ages and it's not going to stop. Please teach your kids about contraception. Teach them how to use condoms. Fucking buy them a box of them. It's not going to promote sex, it's going to make it safe if and when they choose to do it.
And, end rant. I can't say anything else at this time. Holy Frustration, Batman!